Monday, 31 January 2011

Comments on our trailer so far

We have already had a few comments on our blog and YouTube about our trailer with some constructive criticism hopefully we will get some more in the next few weeks.

YouTube comments

Blogger comments 

Monday, 24 January 2011

Twitter Account

I set up a twitter account as many people use this in order to receive more feed back on our trailer. I tweeted a comment asking for people to comment on our trailer and uploaded a link to youtube.  Next i am planning to up load our trailer onto Facebook.

A2 Media Horror Trailer YouTube

Our completed horror trailer uploaded onto youtube :)

Uploading our trailer to youtube

We have created a youtube account in order to upload our trailer. Once it is uploaded we are hoping to get some audience feed back. We are also, being shown how to upload our trailer to Facebook and twitter hopefully this will allow more people to view and comment it.

Monday, 17 January 2011

monday 17th editing our trailer

We played our trailer back to our lecture and suggested that we should add a transition between the first bit of text and and between the clip of 3 of the characters walking and the second part of the text. He also, showed us how to use our font we decided on for our title of our film which we would also use in our poster for our film. We chose our font we wanted to use for our film title 'the unknown' previously from We then downloaded this font to allow us to use it in our trailer :). By using the font in both the trailer and the poster it will make coherent as well by having the same font it gives the film a recognizable style that when you look at you know that it is advertising the unknown. We also, made the fonts the same on each text. Added footstep sound over the padlock clip. Took the sound out of the part which says the name of the film. Made the sound of the owl more quieter to make it feel more realistic.

Next step is to hopefully upload our trailer onto youtube to get feed back and onto our facebooks and twitter accounts. Once that is uploaded we need to start our poster for our film. We have already came up with a few ideas these are...

  • half of face looking scared
  • picture of looking up to the trees
  • 3 friends together hiding behind trees looking frightened
  • picture of 3 friends running of
The idea we like the most is of the shot of the half face looking scared with maybe the forest trees in the background. 

Final stages of our trailer

Today we have decided to complete our trailer for our film by adding music and generally tweaking what we have done making it as perfect as we can get it.

We are looking at music from various music websites that have free download able copyright music from websites that the exam board suggested. was one of the websites we looked at and downloaded a scream sound and 'horror' which is some creepy eerie music.

We have added a new owl scream to replace the previous one we used as it sound more realistic(20684_johnc_owl). We have also added a scream to the shot were you see us running away(42847_freqman_psycho_scream) , to the scream we have already added we are trying to find another one as there are 3 people running away screaming. We have added the 'horror'(ambienteffect 2 which is from the imovie sonds)  added the pan of the location (forest). The end criedits sound(breath of death).

Our next step is to find foot steps for the part walking up to the pad lock and another sound for when the camera is pushed away by the person after the padlock shot.